21 March 2007


I just ran across an article on a well-known Russia blog that is worth sharing with you all. Actually, it's not so much the article as the title:

"Like Two Lesbians Banging Themselves Against a Fence, Liberal Parties Fail to Get Invited into the Russian Home"

Huh. How 'bout that?

The whole article is here, but it's really not necessary to read it since the title is the best part. The basic idea is that Russia's leading liberal party has made some questionable PR decisions in adopting pop culture strategies that don't exactly resonate with the Russian public. Like lesbians banging themselves against a fence, I suppose...


Blogger Laia Balcells said...

how bizarre, i think i do not get it very well...
anyway, yesterday in a catalan tv show they were interviewing 8 years old about different social issues. when talking about homosexuals a girl said:

"when two men get together, they are gay, when two women get together they are 'sevillanas'"

sevillanas = flamenco dancers

i doubt that the girls said sevillanas because of any reminiscence of flamenco dancers, it was mostly because "sevillanas" sounds very much as "lesbianas"

6:09 PM  

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