09 October 2006

Monday in the Diner: Like Heaven but Without the Harps

Actually to be more accurate I spent the morning in the statlab, where they occasionally do have harps.

Many thanks to Steve E. for talking me down from the job talk ledge and making me feel better about the upcoming practice talk. No calls yet, so this is still a theoretical practice talk. Do keep your fingers crossed for me, though, as one of the best possible jobs has appeared on Ejobs recently. I won't reveal the name of the school, but they want someone with a history and communications background (to teach American politics) and it's in a town up the coast from New Haven that rhymes with "Foston." So yeah...

I had something else to say before I head off to the statlab to reprogram all the stuff that STATA so conveniently failed to save, but it escapes me.


Blogger Ryan Sheely said...

I have heard that Foston Rhode Island is lovely this time of year.

12:27 AM  

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